Blog posts from 2015
๐ Plugin fix
Wednesday 16 December 2015
Wordpress plugin fix We’ve made a minor update to our WordPress plugin. When using a static page for the homepage sitemaps would have a duplicate homepage. This is now fixed. Note : The sitemap settings (Frequency, priority, etc) for the home page from the XML Sitemap settings page not the page itself.
๐ Plugin fixes
Wednesday 23 September 2015
WordPress Plugin fixes Since the intial release of our WordPress sitemap generator we’ve been working hard to test and fix a number of user reported issues. Version 1.2.x has seen a number of fixes to common problems experienced by users sine the release of the first versioning in July of this year. Fix : Unexpected output when activating Fix : Missing “Hourly” update frequency Fix : PHP warnings in sitemaps when in debug mode Fix : invalid sitemap due to default values Please continue to feedback so that we can continue to itterate and improve the plugin.
๐ Product launch
Wednesday 22 July 2015
WordPress XML Sitemap Generator We’re pleased to announce that we have now released our WordPress XML Sitemap Generator Plugin. It’s available to download from our website as zip file so you can upload it to your WordPress website. Once we have completed beta testing we will add it to the WordPress Plugin directory. Key features inlcude : Support for HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemap formats. List all your WordPress Pages, Posts, Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
๐ Minor update released
Wednesday 22 July 2015
Minor update released This isย a minor release to address a few issues as well as update the website content. The main fix isย the password reset feature which failed to work if the account had not been confirmed. We have now fixed this and you should be able to reset your password. WordPressย We’ve added some information to the website about the launch of the beta version of our WordPress Sitemap Generator Plugin, which we’ll be blogging about separately.