Blog posts from 2020

📌 Wordpress 5.5 supports XML sitemaps

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Wordpress 5.5 supports XML sitemaps With the release of Wordpress 5.5 there are some interesting new developments included. Not least Version 5.5 of Wordpress includes support for XML sitemaps, a long overlooked feature and the reason for many sitemap plugins existing, including ours. While the new feature will serve many users with a basic XML sitemap need, you might want to stick around to learn why this new feature might not be suited to your SEO needs.

📌 New version released

Tuesday 14 July 2020

New Wordpress Plugin version released An update to our Wordpress plugin is long overdue, but finally it is here with some fixes and a few popular requests implemented. We’ve updated our testing to ensure that version 1.3.5 of the plugin works with the latest version of Wordpess (5.4) as well as remaining backwards compatible as before. Customise sitemap filenames One of the most requested features was the ability to customise the sitemap file names.

📌 What has been happening?

Thursday 19 March 2020

What has been happening? First of all we’re sorry we’ve been quiet for a while. The service is very much run on a volunteer basis and some sometimes other priorities take over. We rely on the support of our community and advertising revenue which of late has decreased due to stricter rules on the use of personal data. We thank you for your continued support. What’s new? We’ve updates our WordPress plugin having tested it for the most recent version of wordpress as well as publish a new version 1.