New Wordpress Plugin version released

An update to our Wordpress plugin is long overdue, but finally it is here with some fixes and a few popular requests implemented.

We’ve updated our testing to ensure that version 1.3.5 of the plugin works with the latest version of Wordpess (5.4) as well as remaining backwards compatible as before.

Customise sitemap filenames

One of the most requested features was the ability to customise the sitemap file names. Previously the only way to do this was to edit the plugin code which made it challenging. You can now easily configure the sitemap filenames from within the main settings page.

Simply go to the settings page, scroll to the “Output urls” section, edit the files names and hit save. Be sure to stick to simple filenames using basic alpha numeric characters and no special symbols or slashes to avoid issues.

You should also be mindful of other plugins which might generate the same/similar file names.


Set sitemap values by author

As well as being able to set a general value for authors in your sitemap settings you can now set a default per author if you want to give certain editors different values in your sitemap. This can be useful if you have a number of content authors, some who work on general pages and others who work on higher value content or who have content that changes more often.


Include scheduled posts.

Previously if a post was scheduled it would be excluded from the sitemap. Some of our users wanted to be able to include posts before they were published. You can now configure the plugin to include standard pages and posts which are scheduled.


Other fixes

  • Erroneous bug output due to undefined authors variable.
  • Incorrect sitemap values due to unique ID collisions
  • Page options do not work for multisite/network.
  • Settings link error on network installations of plugin.
  • Google ping url error

Get the latest version of our Wordpress XML Sitemap Generator Plugin.

We hope you find these updates useful. If you do find our plugin valuable please consider making a small annual contribution towards our costs.