Online blog posts

📌 What has been happening?

Thursday 19 March 2020

What has been happening? First of all we’re sorry we’ve been quiet for a while. The service is very much run on a volunteer basis and some sometimes other priorities take over. We rely on the support of our community and advertising revenue which of late has decreased due to stricter rules on the use of personal data. We thank you for your continued support. What’s new? We’ve updates our WordPress plugin having tested it for the most recent version of wordpress as well as publish a new version 1.

📌 Minor update released

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Minor update released This is a minor release to address a few issues as well as update the website content. The main fix is the password reset feature which failed to work if the account had not been confirmed. We have now fixed this and you should be able to reset your password. WordPress We’ve added some information to the website about the launch of the beta version of our WordPress Sitemap Generator Plugin, which we’ll be blogging about separately.