Wordpress Sitemap Plugin

Comprehensive XML sitemap for your wordpress website


Generate HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more.

Easily manage your sitemap within a familiar WordPress environment. Automatic setup of sitemap files, robots.txt and pinging. Configure sitemap values for the whole website, tags, categories, pages and posts.

Key features

  • Supports HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemap formats.
  • News sitemap and latest RSS feed support
  • Easily add image sitemaps
  • Edit settings by page and post
  • Edit settings by tag and category.
  • Support for custom post types.
  • Auto ping search engines with updates.
  • Automatic sitemap Robots.txt entries.
  • and more …

Configurable global settings

Wordpress plugin general settings

Easily enable news and image sitemaps

Wordpress plugin  images and news

Per page, post, category and tag settings

Wordpress plugin  images and news

Automatic robots.txt entries

Wordpress plugin  images and news



Our plugin will be updated and maintained from our website and will be removed from the Wordpress plugin store shortly. It can be downloaded directly from our website below. Please contact us with any comments, questions, suggestions and bugs.